Project Help - Portfolio Tracker

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Hey all, I got a gig and would like to seek your help for inputs and thoughts. Please feel free to share your template if you have any. I am not good with NFTs so your help would be appreciated. The turnaround time for this is in 24hrs.

If anyone is ready to contribute heavily, I am willing it give them $50 for this.

Portfolio Monitor

Your goal is to build a portfolio monitoring spreadsheet to accurately monitor positions for the following 2 wallets:



The high level purpose of this system is to:

  1. Understand the value of the portfolio if it were liquidated
  2. Monitor for large changes
  3. Use it for risk management (i.e. how exposed are we to specific protocols / assets).

Here are the requirements:

● Show total NAV of all assets i.e. if I liquidate my portfolio now, what is the total value

○ Subtotals by asset (including NFTs)

○ Subtotals by wallets

○ Sum total of each asset across wallets

● All totals / subtotals should be displayed in both USD and ETH

● All subtotals should also show % of total

● Prices should be updated automatically where possible

○ Where automatic updates are not possible, the sheet should be easy to update and maintain

● Prices should update when new assets are added/removed from the portfolio

● Show the biggest movers in the L24h

● You can ignore assets below $200

● Where the position is leveraged, we only care about the equity component i.e. assets minus liabilities.

● For LP tokens - we should log the 2 underlying token amounts separately at the time when the nav is updated.

○ For context, the reason we do this is instead of just logging the value of the LP token, is because we want to monitor position exposure to the underlying tokens.

Hint: The NFT value on debank is not accurate because they are marking it based on floor value, but Blastr has refundable NFTs. The way we mark the value of an NFT is the greater of the floor value or refundable value.

● Go to Blur / Blastr if you don’t have all the data you need on debank

● The staked amount on Blastr is the “Boost” amount

submitted by /u/DrShakMila


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