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94.6% of the whole Bitcoin Supply did not move in over the last 30 days, setting a new record and the foundation for an upcoming bull run.

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Just as with every other bear market, also in this bear market Bitcoin just loves to set new records while showing the severity of the bear market too. This time we have especially seen the dominance of long-term holders showing how people are actually aware of the long-term potential of Crypto and won't give up due to a bear, at least not this time.

This also has a lot to do with the Bitcoin supply, due to the scarcity of the supply it is pretty easy to shit tides. In a bull market some short-term holders dominate it while long-term holders take profits and sell into their hands. Thats the complete opposite in a bear market though.

This time more extreme than ever, which is largely contributed to by the boringness and nonvolatile nature of Bitcoin, which just does not pay off for short-term holders:

Chart showing Bitcoin Supply that did not move over the last 30 days, chart by IIICapital on Twitter/X

This chart is the perfect representation of that, a jaw-dropping 94.6% of the whole current Bitcoin supply did not move over the last 30 days, while that is not really just long-term holders it just demonstrates how involatile the market has become and how inactive it all especially is right now.

This kind of inactivity is not just now, but each pre-bull market buildups have been in a similar fashion. A very "dry" supply, followed by some increase of demand that lifts off the price exponentially.

submitted by /u/partymsl


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