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anyone else find that tax companies are severely lacking when it comes to processing crypto information?

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when you upload your csv, it's got like a dozen columns of information. but all of the tax companies and software i tried are super primitive and tell you to somehow get rid of 6 columns of information.

and the csv doesn't have 'date sold, date acquired' like they ask. it's just 'date of transaction' anyways its all fucked up. the tax program just assumes you sold everything, and doesn't even let you input partial transactions.

and doesn't even see wallet transfers on crypto that you already paid taxes on. all they see is that you transfered 200k from nowhere and now you've got 200k profit even though in reality it was a 20k loss.

how do yall deal with that? there is literally no crypto company that has a csv that fits the requirements of any tax company.

submitted by /u/Humans_r_evil


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