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Best months a year to invest into bitcoin!

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Crypto is already among us for many years. During these years, people collected a lot of data. Valuable data which can help us make some good decisions. Ofcourse history doesn't have to repeat itself but it already did repeat itself many times. In this analysis i want to help out by showing which months are performing good and which months have been performing the worst.

Source: Bitcoin - Monthly Return (bitcoinmonthlyreturn.com)

The data sheet that is added with this post shows the performance of bitcoin per month and per year. It also shows the average growth or decline. So what can we make up from this data:

Year analysis:

If we start looking at the yearly growth we see the following:

  • From the start in 2010 we see 3 years and a few months of growth.
  • The 4th year (2014) shows a decline of 64%. 7 of the 12 months were showing a decrease. It was the first bear market.
  • 2015, 2016 and 2017 were succesful years again. Especially 2017 saw a big increase of 331% cumulative 2017 was the most succesful year with 27,62% growth a month on average.
  • After 3 succesful years, a bear market came again in 2018. Showing 9 of 12 months in red. A really massive one with an average decline of 8,42% a month.
  • After that there were 3 years of massive yearly increases again with 2020 being a great year. On average it grew with 14,52%
  • 2022 came the most recent bear market. Marking an average decline of 6,98%.

We are now in 2023 where we already see an average growth of 6,92%. There are still 4 months to go until we can see if the new 4 year cycle has started. Up till now it looks like it!

Month Analysis:

Ofcourse it's also valuable if we know which months are performing really wel and which months are performing really bad. A small analysis:

  • Of all months, 2 months have an average growth of more than 30%. These months are April and November.
  • Out of the 12 years April only saw a decrease 3 times and 9 times an increase. November saw 5 times a decrease and 7 times an increase. The increases in november were bigger in general compared to April
  • A good third is the month Octobre. Showing 9 increases. The average increase of the month Octobre is 25%!
  • The worst performing month is by far september. It shows an average decline of 4,67%. With 8 out of the 12 times showing a decrease.
  • August also shows a small decline on average. This month has shown 8 out of 13 times a decrease. In 2017 August saw a big increase of 64% and in 2013 an increase of 32%. Because of these good years, august performs better than September.

I hope this gives some nice insight of the performance of bitcoin in general and that it helps in decision making.

Most important: This is not financial advise.

TL;DR: Worst performing months on average are August and September. Best performing months are April and November with October being a good third.

For now it looks like a new 4 year cycle is about to happen but it all depends on the performance of bitcoin the upcoming months. For now it looks like we're going to get a bad month followed by 2 good months!

submitted by /u/Burzzzt88


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