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European Commission Advocates for a United Shift to Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

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About a month ago Vitalik noted his plan in case of a quantum computing emergency, and Apple released news of implementing post quantum encryption.

This week the European Commission is raising the issue, similar to what the United States did over a year ago.

These events are raising the tough questions about when - and how - will systems implement digital signing with encryption that can withstand quantum computing.

This is something ALL systems will need to do. Until now, the topic has been largely ignored. There are solutions that can be implemented, and while it is assumed there are more lucrative targets than crypto, we may find that crypto is the least risky target and may be the last prepared.

Note that the blockchain history of most major coins appears to be fine- it really is the issue of signing and protecting your private keys where the weakness is, and why it is a bit tricky to upgrade that in a way that limits disruption for users and the ecosystems.

Below are some projects that have planned, developed, and/or prepared for quantum computing.

Their focus is much more than just being prepared for quantum resistance. However, they will benefit from this topic coming into focus since they have planned for quantum resistance all along.

In the end, all chains and systems will need to prepare. The question will be how well projects navigate this. Being prepared from the beginning offers obvious advantages.

Algo- it appears to have added Falcon as quantum resistance for consensus purposes, but I haven't seen if they have a solution defined for Digital Signature- which is the primary issue requiring quantum resistance. This is a long standing layer1. I saw a recent post it is at its ATL against BTC. Could be worth a look if it gains momentum.

CELL- had a nice run-up early in the year, but now over 50% pullback. CELL follows more of a DOT type design. Not sure the reason for such a large pullback, as this happened well before the market pullback yesterday.

XX, AME, XEP, HBAR and a few others I know less about have been mentioned for preparing. I don't have details to add here, but worth researching.

QRL- Built for QR years ago. Has put a lot of research into the topic. Biggest issue has been availability to buy. We saw once it was available on Mexc, it made a nice run. Still working to add in evm compatibility and smart contracts which would put it in a much better position for adoption and to be available on swaps. Seems to be holding it's new level even with market pullback.

QANX- Had a nice run with news Ethereum board member Patrick Storchenegger is now CEO of QAN’s Intellectual Property (IP) holding company, and has partnered with an EU country to use their QR tech stack. Testnet due this month which should initiate marketing plans. ETH like design, PoS, with evm compatible smart contracts in any programming language. Did have a 25% dip with this market pullback.

submitted by /u/Original-Assistant-8


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