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Everyone was a newbie once. We should help and be nice, but being a newbie is not excuse for being naive or acting stupid. If you are new to crypto spend few weeks learning about it before you will put any money into it.

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Being beginner in crypto is not excuse for losing money on shitcoins, for doing things you have no idea about or behaving like a child that burn house with matches. Everyone was a beginner once, me too. I still remember those times and I don't think I was much different person back then. Not cause I didn't learn anything over all this time in crypto, but cause before I made any mistake I spend weeks learning about crypto. That saved me from losing money or getting scammed. Before you invest, before you ask any question read few hundred posts on this sub. It is not joke. Always remember to not believe in everything you read, but you will find answers for 80% of your questions and start understanding slang. If you don't know what something mean google it. That is how I did it. It was really hard for me especially as non native english speaker to learn hundreds of words used only in crypto. But over time it become easier and easier. At this point I probably almost can't speak about crypto without crypto slang. Getting scammed or rugpulled? I never lost money on things like that, I was always cautious even as beginner. You don't need to be genius to know some cum shiba elon inu sound as terrible idea to put money into amd that everyone that DM with good business idea is scammer. It is basic logic. "Beggars" on street try to scam you, call centers try to scam you, people in games or social media try to scam you. Whole life is full of scams, why would anyone think crypto will be different. You need to be sharp to not go down. There is only one person that you can trust taking good care of your money- yourself, no one else, especially random strangers at the internet. Dip happening? Oh no...anyway. Before my first dip happened I learned enough to wait for it with huge smile on my face. I bough as much as I could. I made my bags full and was red for months untill next bull market. Did I lost hope? Never, I knew about paperhands and never wanted to be one. And it was good choice. Did I put money in some coin before learning what to put money into? Never. I read, read and read for weeks. Then I invested in my first very safe projects. Months later in altcoins. Was I ever down on a coin? Yeah one of coins get hacked I lost 30$, but it was high risk investment. Overall never any of my serious projects died/ was rugpulled etc. Some my coins we're even -70% for months, but later I made profits on them. I trusted in those projects in long term. I never were impatient and greedy. I am not filthy rich on crypto, I am not genius, I am just good investor. Good through countless hours of learning and impriving myself from the beginning, I mever gave myself excuses. You need to give 100% of your attention and effort to achieve anything in crypto. There is no half way, if you will gamble money you will simply lose them, so better not even start. Crypto is not that hard. Remember that being beginner should never be excuse for you. You don't need to make mistakes at the beginning of your crypto journey to become successful. Just learn on mistakes of others that were before you. submitted by /u/Nuewim [link] [comments]


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