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How does everyone find 36 hours in a day to figure out DeFi?

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Link MetaMask to your wallet. Bridge ETH to Lambochain. Wrap your ETH with BaconWrap and deposit BaconETH into SandwichFinance to acquire ClubSandwich LP tokens. Put those into DeliShop to get MeatMarket tokens. Harvest those weekly and put those into ButcherShop for further yield which you can then send to ChefsCourtyard and get 144,887% APY in loyalty rewards!

How in the h-e-double hockey sticks does everyone figure out how farm/lend/stake/auto compound all these different protocols? I’ve spent the last few months watching videos, joining social media servers, reading articles and exploring platforms.

I feel more lost than ever. I just get to the point where I think I’ve figured out a way to earn a reasonable yield only to find out that it’s outdated and there are half a dozen new and improved ways to do what I’m looking for.

I’ve never been on a wilder goose chase. I can’t tell if I’m a technological idiot or if it really is this time consuming and difficult?

EDIT: I’m not talking about staking PoS coins like ADA, DOT, etc. What I meant was coins/tokens that require additional steps such as BTC, LINK, etc. And yes, I could stake those on Celsius or BlockFi but I was referring more to LPs. But you are all correct, I am probably taking more time than the average person to figure this out.

It would appear I am a slight to moderate technological idiot

submitted by /u/deathtolucky


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