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How many of you are relying on Crypto to "Make It" or for Financial Stability in the Future?

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Obviously the reason were all into crypto is for the money, sure some of us are into the tech, some of us are into the potential freedom that crypto provides but were all here for money as well. We've all heard the stories about the guy who bought $100 or $500 worth of crypto that turned into $5 Million however while still possible those stories are fewer and further between and things like that most likely aren't going t happen with BTC, ETH or really any top 50 or 100 coins, those are going to be the fluke longshots and not something most of us will be part of, and honestly probably not something that's smart to shoot for as your basically buying lotto tickets or penny stocks vs actually making smart investments.

Something I see from many people that I find somewhat troubling is how many people are relying on crypto to make it, to get rich, or even to be financially secure in the future. I'm all for investing and taking risks but something I see is people maybe not putting the effort into their careers, their jobs, earning more money, or starting businesses and instead just counting on crypto to either make them rich or even just to allow them to be stable in the future.

Now I think crypto is great if its gravy on top of whatever you're already doing, but if you're relying entirely on crypto I think thats a mistake since ultimately none of us really have any control over what crypto does. Why would one want to pin their future on something they have zero control over and where they have zero control over the outcome. Sure most small businesses fail, sure nothing in life is guaranteed or guaranteed to be a success but whether its learning a skill, investing in yourself or starting a business at least you have some control over your outcome based on how hard you work, how smart you work, etc.

I was curious how many people here feel they pin too much of their future success on the back of crypto? Or maybe you don't see this as being an issue? Curious your thoughts.

submitted by /u/rulesforrebels


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