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I found a (historically speaking) fool-proof investment strategy!

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Let me be clear, the following strategy has historically speaking performed awesomely, but thisdoesn't mean that it is a guarantee it will be of any value in the future. So be careful and think twice before going 100% in! I discovered it earlier today and it was too good for me not to share it!

The strategy is simple, invest in whatever project CoinMarketCap earns launches a campaign about. I will prove my point by giving you the analysis for EACH COIN, this took me hours to write!

The approach is simple:

  1. Find the first mention of their earn campaign the project using the internet archive tool (i.e. wayback machine) and triangulate that with other mentions online (such as Reddit) to confirm the date, as they do not provide the dates themselves.
  2. See the price when the campaign was launched and how it performed since then

We look at each project, first off:

Band Protocol, BAND

If we search the wayback machine for this campaign, we see that the first mention is Aug 12, 2020.


We search on google to confirm this date, a simple search as "earn band coinmarketcap" shows this article on Medium


Also the same date! Let us be sure by googling the following: "earn band coinmarketcap reddit"


Even when you expand the results by click at More results at the bottom, we see that the first mention is indeed Aug 12, 2020!

Now that we know the date, we check the price back then:

it was about $15, and you had 3 moments where you could sell at a profit but overall it is pretty underwhelming as it has only achieve 1.5x, not impressive!


This is not the case for all of them, let me show you and then I will make a table to show you!

Kava.io, KAVA

First mention, September 12, 2020



Kava did a 3x since then and you would have spent most of the time in profit since then, and currently it is still at profit, even given the recent dip:


You get the point, so i will mention dates and prices from now on and then will summarize how long you approximately should hold on average to be at a profit and how much is the profit, on average!

Terra, LUNA

SEPTEMBER 30, 2020



The chart speaks for itself, but at its peak it is a 250x!

Helium, HNT



Again the chart speaks for itself, at its peak it is 48x

The results, sorted by date of publishing (scroll horizontally if you are on your phone):

Coin NameMention date (Day-Month- Year)Price when mentionedPrice at peakHow long it took before reaching the peak?multiplierHow long did you have to wait before turning profit?
Band Protocol, BAND12-08-2020$15$21about 8 monthsx1.412-02-2021, around 7 months
Kava.io, KAVA12-09-2020$2.9$8.7about 11 monthsx304-02-2021, around 6 months
Terra, LUNA30-09-2020$0.3$751 year 2 monthsx250It almost never dropped before that price and when it did it was only 1 cent, so right away!
Helium, HNT21-10-2020$1.1$52.71 year 1 monthx48It almost never dropped before that price and when it did it was only 1 cent, so right away!
Orchid, OXT19-11-2020$0.24$0.845 monthsx3.5around 2 months, but it did drop below $0.24 a few times for a few days
The Graph, GRT22-12-2020$0.55$2.72 monthsx4.9the next day already
Sandbox, SAND24-12-2020$0.04$8.41 yearx210the next day already
1inch, 1INCH19-01-2021$1.96$7.5about 5 monthsx3.8the next day already
Nervos Network, CKB09-02-2021$0.008$0.042 monthsx5next day already
FIO Protocol, FIO13-04-2021$0.38it only went downhill from there, current price $0.18Not applicablenegative number, depending on when you sold. It still could go up but currently it is down :)Not applicable
PlasmaFinance, PPAY31-05-2021$0.07$0.22around 3 monthsx3.1less than a week
REVV, REVV15-06-2021$0.09$0.42around 5 monthsx4.6less than a month
Mobox, MBOX21-06-2021$0.62$15.4around 5 monthsx25less than a month
TheForce Trade, FOC29-06-2021$0.003$0.0072 monthsx2less than a month
Polkastarter, POLS12-07-2021$1.1$4.2around 5 monthsx3.8two weeks
Sushiswap, SUSHI21-07-2021$7$15.12 monthsx2.1the next day already
IoTeX, IOTX26-07-2021$0.019$0.23around 3 monthsx12.1the next day already
Tokocrypto, TKO01-08-2021$1.58$3.29less than a monthx2a week
Folder Protocol, FOL03-08-2021$1.28$3.973 monthsx3.1the next day already
Cybertino, CYBER08-08-2021cant find datacant find dataNot applicablecant find datacant find data
Crust Network, CRU01-09-2021$52.3it only went downhill from there, current price $9.25Not applicablenegative number, depending on when you sold. It still could go up but currently it is down :)Not applicable
NFTb, NFTB10-09-2021$0.12$0.6around 1 monthsx5the next day already
Aurox, URUS21-10-2021$128.9$281less than a monthx2.1the next day already
Mars Ecosystem, XMS29-10-2021$0.93$1.43two weeksx1.5the next day already
Perpetual Protocol, PERP04-11-2021$16.5$18.85 daysx1.1the next day already

One important note: This is performed today, meaning that in the future the coins can go even higher or lower (seems obvious but wanted to stress that just because something didn't turn profit yet, it doesn't mean it never will)

Key takeaways:

  • There have been 25 campaigns on CMC earn that have concluded, if we exclude Cybertino as there is no data available on it, that makes them 24.
  • Only 2/24 (roughly %8) went downhill after the announcement of the campaign, that means %92 of them did well!
  • Best performers are: Luna, Sandbox and Helium.
  • You could have taken profit in most of them almost immediately, within a month on average.
  • Most of them reached their peak within half a year ON AVERAGE

If you had put $100 into each of them, at the time they were released you would have had:

100*1.4 + 100*3 + 100*250 + 100*48 + 100*3.5 + 100*4.9 + 100*210 + 100*3.8 + 100*5 + 100*0.5 + 100*3.1 + 100*4.6 + 100*25 + 100*2 + 100*3.8 + 100*2.1 + 100*12.1 + 100*2 + 100*3.1 + 100*0.17 + 100*5 + 100*2.1 + 100*1.5+ 100*1.1 = $59,777

There are few more campaigns that are still active right now, but I haven't looked at these yet. This approach certainly, historically speaking, looks like a fool proof approach.

Conclusion: I don’t know what the criteria CMC looks at before starting an Earn campaign, but on average, they list pretty darn good projects in terms of profit!

Let me know if you like such posts and I will make more of them!

submitted by /u/RefugeeDutch_Syrian


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