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I think my mom got scammed? How much do people usually loose in this??

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My moms been working furiously on the computer today and has been very crabby and she called me over to help her find the IP adress of some website. I saw that she was on a website for filing complaints and it said stuff like enter the info regarding the "website that has victimized you". So then I was googling how to do find an IP adress using her laptop cus idk anything about that stuff either and i saw lots of previous search history for "how to recover from crypto scam" or something about pig butchering.

Anyways she just got impatient and shooed me away.

Im kinda worried cus my moms not as good with technology and recognizing suspicious things on the internet so i called my dad whos way better at that stuff and he was just like "oh well, idk, she should call the police and just finish that complaint or wtv.

submitted by /u/MSan17


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