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I was offered crypto to promote some new project.

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The name of the project has been blacked out, so not actual promotion is taking place.

After years of hard work shit posting on Reddit, I've reached the level of paid crypto promoter similar to Bit Boy, Kim Kardashian and Matt Damon. I've been offered money (crypto to be exact) to promote a new up and coming crypto project.

After checking my phone this morning and scrolling past the usual DM's asking me for staking tips and if I have synchronized my wallet lately, I saw a new type of message.


followed by a pre-written post that I could simply copy and paste with all the necessary links and info anybody would want to make a quality totally realistic post about a project nobody has ever heard of.


Is this a good sign for the crypto market that companies are looking for paid s.h.i.l.l.e.r.s or is this new crypto company so desperate for any kind of attention that they have literally scraped the bottom of the Reddit barrel to find me.

PS: if anybody from Algorand, Cosmos Network, Etheruem or Bitcoin would like to hire a qualified and highly sought after crypto promoter I'm available for hire. Hit me up Vitalik (I know you lurk this sub)

submitted by /u/Odlavso


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