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It will suck if the 2024 Bitcoin Halving happens during a Recession

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Okay, so the next Bitcoin halving is expected to occur sometime on or around April 25, 2024. Now typically either leading up to or following a Bitcoin halving we see a lot of price volatility, but we also see appreciation and a lot more interest, not only do we see more new users come into the space, those of us who have been in the space seem to be more excited and more active and many of those who have been into crypto for years but have kind of been sitting on the sidelines tend to get interested again as well. The volatility as well as increases in price have happenned for the 2012, 2016 and 2020 halvings, and I think a lot of us are looking forward to this upcoming halving, hoping to maybe return to or even surpass all time highs.

Here's something that just occured to me however, what if we're in a recession during this time? I think a lot of people would argue we're already in a recession and whether you think we are "technically" or "officially" in a recession I think most people agree the economy is not in a good place. We also know politically speaking politicians don't want a recession to happen during an election cycle, especially the sitting party, we even saw during midterms jockying to prop up gas prices ahead of the most recent midterms. I say all of this to say if at all possible they'll try to postpone or at least hide the fact were in a recession until the 2024 election so there's a possibility we won't see a recession until later in 2024.

That said most economists, banks, CEOs and Youtube Doomer Channels seem to say a recession is coming in 2024 and it probably won't wait for the elections. Earlier this year Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan, and most other major banks predicted Americans would begin running out of money due to inflation mid to late summer. Never underestimate how far down the road banks and governments can kick the can, but if were to believe Americans will be tapped out around now, it's pretty safe to say the economy will be in the shitter come April 2024, especially considering most companies are beginning to report bad earnings and it seems the real estate market is finally slowing down. Inflation continues to eat away at peoples pocketbooks and savings, people are getting deeper into credit card debt, evictions, foreclosures and auto repoes are slowsly starting to pickup and interest rates are finally hitting a point its beginning to affect peoples behavior and the're only expected to either go higher or at the very least remain at this level into 2024 if not longer, that's according to recent fed statements.

Basically what I'm getting at is I think a recession, personally I believe we're already in one but once the government, banks an media acknowledge it its really the nail in the coffin, I feel like that's really going to put a damper on the halving appreciation we normally see. Your thoughts?

submitted by /u/rulesforrebels


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