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Just after the first quarter of this year, Bitcoin has reached 800 million transaction with a combined value of $107 trillion in its history. All that in just 13 years.

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What a year it has been so far and we are just one fourth through it yet, Q1 2023 has certainly been one to maybe even forever remember in Crypto. A 80% rally against all odds and the countless lawsuits against Crypto exchanges like Binance, not to forget the temporary USDC decoupling and banking crisis that pushed Bitcoin even further up.

Here we stand at above $28k at the end and Bitcoin being used at a record pace. Alone in this Q1 2023 Bitcoin has clocked in 800 million transactions with a combined value of over $107 trillion over its 13 year history. Those are unimaginable high numbers for the King himself.

Transaction Count chart from Reflexivity Research report Q1 2023

Here we can see how we have been in a constant upwards movement for the 13 years of Bitcoin history and already in such a young age having a $107 trillion volume is nothing less than a record.

In comparison to other “payment“ entities Bitcoin stand miles above too. In the entirety of 2022 has a volume of $18.2 trillion which was still above the volume of Mastercard ($14.1T) and Visa ($7.7T) and Bitcoin had made more than all of those combined last year. This year we can be sure to see even further growth and likely above $50T of transaction in one year.

(Edit: This data comes from one of first quarterly reports of Bitcoin ever by Reflexivity Research and Glassnode, you call look up the full, short but highly qualitative report on the Reflexivity Research site)

Transaction Worth chart from MitchellHODL on Twitter

submitted by /u/partymsl


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