모든 인간지표

Moons/ETH just became the number one defi pool on all of Arbitrum Nova with a TVL of $377K with 124 ETH/818K Moons in liquidity.

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We are now the number one defi pool on all of Arbitrum Nova passing the ETH/USDC pool.


After hitting an ATH in TVL of $377K with over 124 ETH and 818K Moons in Liquidity. It's a bittersweet accomplishment, yesterday the ETH/USDC pool was at $390K and we were so close to beating them at their all time high, but due to the fall out surrounding Circle and USDC the liquidity from the pool has been getting drained and has dropped $20K in the last day.


Regardless all Moon holders have something to celebrate we are now the largest Defi pool on all of Arbitrum Nova. Thank you to this community for contributing liquidity and helping to make Moons a healthier community token.

submitted by /u/GabeSter


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