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Most people aren't specifically against crypto, they are just generally against whole modern world & technology and all changes in the society. Crypto is just part of those scary changes for them.

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Average person is not specifically against crypto. That would require minimal level of understanding. For all they care crypto is another thing from evil internet, same as all those "stupid tik tok videos, brutal videogames, memes that respect nothing sacred, those immoral half naked instagram photos or even more degenerated only fans". Very simplified, stereotypical and hurtful vision of current times. Generally for many people everything modern = bad, evil, stupid and waste of time, cause it is different than what they know. Most of them don't make rational arguments, they just think their way is better, cause it is how they did it back in the day. Crypto is another modern invention, they put it somewhere far behind from their everyday life.

Simply most people can't understand current world is different. That jobs online are real jobs, and now is different society and technology that it was in their youth in 1980's or 1960's. It doesn't matter if it's better or worse, simply it changed and you need to adapt or be left behind. Many people refuse to admit if averge person from their youth or even themselves back then would see them now it would be simmilar as they now treat modern times. Once everyone used videotapes or floppy disks today even older people would look at you weird if you would give them floppy disk instead of pendrive. People only remember things that they want to remember, they ignore things that doesn't support their vision. Even all those 60 or 80 year olds that scream about kids using smartphones whole time instead doing something useful have now mobile phone too. It is funny to sit at bus stop and hear boomers compalaining kids only spending time looking at smartphones when themselves they talk on phone whole time.

Current world scare, disgust and concern average person, cause they remember different world. Meanwhile younger people don't get those concerns at all since it is only world they know. It is interesting to see. Most of very old people (those in their 70's or 80's) are against all modern technology. They often can't even use mobile phone or computer, so internet and everything related to it is basically witchcraft to them. People in their 50's or 60's generally can use phone at least to make calls and can turn on computer. Mostly cause it is necessary to work. People in 30's and 40's freely use computer, internet and smartphones, even have social media. Simply cause when they grown in 1990's it started to be popular, so was natural to them. People in their 20's and younger understand it all, cause social media and internet is all their lives. Basically less modern technology you use less chance you will be pro crypto and more radical anti crypto opinion you will have.

So don't think average person is against crypto, they are against everything they see as too modern for their taste. Will this change? Sure over time it will, people have short memory, for example few years ago almost everyone here in europe thought solar panels are unnecessary and stupid. Only rich people bought them to show off. Now? In last 2 or 3 years I see solar panels installed on almost every home, it is fancy to have them. The same people that told decade ago it is dumb now are first to instal them. 20 years ago the same could be about computers or internet, people told they don't need one, until they bought and can't live without it. I am pretty sure in another 10 or 20 years half my neighbours will start using social media and pay in crypto. Just how it is with all new tech. Most people don't need to like or understand it. They will use it simply cause everyone else does.

submitted by /u/Nuewim


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