모든 인간지표

Reminder: Algorand Governance Period #3 starts in 2 days 1 hour. If you're unfamiliar, here are some FAQ to get you up to speed. Come be part of the Algorand Community and help shape its future and get rewards in the process!

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Community Governance:

Q1: What is Community Governance?

Community Governance represents the governance program that marks the shift from the early days of the Algorand network to a more mature phase in which the community takes charge of its own destiny and rewards are distributed in return for verifiable engagement in the program.

Q2: Why is the Community Governance Program important?

The Community Governance program is important since it gives decision power about the future of Algorand to the Algorand community. It introduces a form of governance that is simultaneously decentralized, secure and efficient, like our consensus protocol.

Q3: What is a Governor?

Governors are Algo holders who commit a stake for a 3 month governance period which will enable Governor voting on some of the most important decisions regarding ecosystem development.

Q4: What is the role of Governors?

Governors will be responsible for major economic and policy decisions. This will be done via periodic voting, whereby Algorand Foundation will then execute responsibly, for the benefits of the overall ecosystem, based on the Governor’s decisions.

Q5: Who can participate in Community Governance?

All Algo holders are invited to become Governors and vote on important decisions regarding ecosystem development. Their votes will depend on the amount of Algos they will commit to governance for a 3 month period.

Q6: Is there a minimum/maximum number of governors?

There is no minimum/maximum number of governors. This is an open program and anyone willing to commit their Algos and vote can become governors.

Q7: When can I participate in Community Governance?

The program commenced in October 2021. The sign up period for the 3nd Governance period is open from 31st March 2022 to April 14th 2022 (11:59:59 PM SGT). Governance will feature quarterly entry points, allowing participants to join the program on a voluntary basis.

Q8: When is the signup period for the third Community Governance period opening and closing?

The signup period for the 3rd Community Governance will run from 31st March 2022 to April 14th 2022 (11:59:59 PM SGT).

Q9: Will Governance periods commence one after the other?

As a result of community feedback, we have adjusted the timing of the governance commitment periods to enable Governors to commit Algo inclusive of their Governance Rewards, distributed at the end of the current Governance Period (Currently G2 ), to the next Governance Period ( G3 ). This will be standard practice for all future periods. Please see https://algorand.foundation/news/key-dates-algorand-governance for a recent update on key upcoming dates pertaining to the third Governance period.

Q10: How can I participate in Community Governance?

The Governors will have to commit an amount of Algos for a minimum of 3 months (length of a governing period). Please see our Governors guide for instructions on how to participate in the second period of Governance.

For full list of FAQ: https://algorand.foundation/gov-faq

Algorand Governance Period #3 Portal: https://governance.algorand.foundation/governance-period-3

submitted by /u/gigabyteIO


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