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Reminder time. Take your security more seriously as prices go up!

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Its not how someone drains your wallets but when. Take your personal security more serious than you have. Each month there are more posts of people getting drained and making that 1 error.

*Don’t be that guy.

Upgrade your antivirus and spamy Phising methods are always adapting. Especially with links, images and even spoofing emails.

Malware to sneak into your OS and sit collecting your data and information.

2FA-Its annoying but keep your passwords and backups up to date.

Cellphones and wifi be extra aware when in public spaces. Text messages (SMS) are easy to click

Facebook— At your own risk…

Airdrop links in emails, be aware..,one of the biggest focuses for phising and malware.

Just a reminder to keep your future wealth YOURS and not in some accounts of that Scammer or Prince! What ever precautions you have made stay vigilant and more aware as prices????????⬆️????. Its your future wealth!

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Popup


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