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Should I sell the rest of my Dogecoin?

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EDIT: Damn y'all are lightning fast. Thanks for the advice. Didn't know the dog was still alive sooooo I think I'm gonna keep it. See what happens after the dog passes or if Elon tries to incorporate doge into X somehow.

I bought a bunch of Dogecoin kind of as a joke at the beginning of 2021. Maybe like...150 dollars worth. I loved the meme back in the day so I felt called to the cause. Then it shot up and I sold a chunk of it of it when it was at its peak. Not PEAK peak...but pretty high up there. like .67 cents or something. I made like 4k. Which, for me just throwing 150 bucks in for laughs is a considerable amount of money. Helped me pay off a couple of credit cards and paid for my Taylor Swift tickets.

I ended up selling a chunk of it again last year. 1k worth. It wasn't worth nearly as much as it was at its peak. I think I sold when it hit .13 or .14 cents?

I've been holding onto the rest of it (I think I have like 7k Dogecoin. like 530 dollars worth) just in case it shoots up again. I haven't wanted to sell the rest and then regret it. I'm in between jobs right now and although 500 dollars isn't a TON of money, it might help me live a little bit. I saw it went up to 8 cents yesterday and I'm tempted to sell the rest of it. I don't think it's ever going to get over 20 cents tbh.

But I wanted to hear what more experienced people think. I'm really not well educated in crypto (clearly...I only own doge and bitcoin, which I bought at its peak right before it TANKED!) so I wanted to ask some more experienced people. My financial advisor says I should DEFINITELY sell...but he thinks all crypto is garbage so I'm taking that with a grain of salt.

Also don't yell at me for buying doge please. like I said I bought it as a joke and never expected to become rich. 5k was WAY more that I EVER thought I'd make bahahaha

submitted by /u/SpiritPug


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