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The cabal, raising more awareness

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In my two earlier posts on r/solana I already highlighted some morally questionable practices from scamfluencers. Allow me to tell you more about this, the information in this post is from a video and conversations in the Red the mal community with Caesar (@caesars_calls on tg) . The aim of this post is to make more people aware of these horrible practices.

The Lucrative Pump-and-Dump Business: - Imagine a select few charging an astronomical $50,000 per person for their pump-and-dump services. Yes, you read that correctly—50 grand just to ride the volatile waves of the crypto market. ???? - As if that weren't enough, they also ask 50k worth of supply per cabal member involved.

Greed Knows No Bounds: - These individuals redefine the term "overpaid." Their greed rivals that of dragons hoarding gold. ???????? - If there's a pot of digital gold at the end of the crypto rainbow, you can bet they've already staked their claim.

Research? Not Their Strong Suit: - Rigorous research? Their due diligence is at the same level of a child's scribbles on a chalkboard. ???? - In their world, fundamentals take a backseat to hype.

Value Extraction, Not Addition: - Their contributions to the crypto space? Terrible. Imagine a black hole devouring value faster than a rug pull. ???? - Investors are left bewildered and duped.

The Devs' Dilemma: - Devs believe they need the cabal's Midas touch. Spoiler alert: it's not Midas; it's just smoke and mirrors. ???? - They preach about their own success, conveniently forgetting that most of us haven't mooned our way to Lambo land.

Poe, the Shiba Whisperer? Not So Much: - Remember Poe? The guy who claimed he was a Shiba whale? Turns out he's full of digital fertilizer. ???????? - His insider info? More like inside a dumpster fire.

Pump-and-Dump Maestros: Erik Stevens and Poe - Erik and Poe, they orchestrate pump-and-dump symphonies, leaving bagholders in their wake. ???? - Their secret recipe? A pinch of greed, a dash of FOMO, and you as exit liquidity.

Cloud Chasers and Engagement Farmers: - Forget moonshots; they're after clouds. ☁️ - Cultivating FOMO? Their specialty. They tend to it like prized bonsai trees.

Recycling the Same Playbook: - The cabal's playbook? Dog-eared and worn. They call the same plays, like a broken record. ???? - "Buy the dip," they chant, while secretly selling their bags.

  • Frog on Sol? Pre-Pumped and Dead in 3 Days: ????????
  • Andy on BNB? Same story. RIP, projects.

Fake CTOs and Insider Plays: - Bul? A mere illusion of a CTO. ????‍♂️ - Insider plays? They've got 'em. Like a shady poker game with 90 of their own channels they use to pump their coins while it seems like they are not behind it. ♠️

High MC Plays? Smoke and Mirrors: - They call high market cap plays, hoping we'll forget their pump-and-dump track record. ???? - Scammers always stuck together.

Conclusion: I'm trying to create awareness about this issue. The more people know this, the better! Only together we can make sure these practices don't pay put anymore.

For more in depth info watch the video I added!

submitted by /u/slammerzzz


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