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The market shitshow is not over yet, exercise caution! Don't fall for shady YouTubers, watch out for the macro economy instead!

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A lot of "influencers" / "out-of-rich-status" dudes are propagating how they can see the bottom now and that they have seen it all before and know exactly how market will unfold. All of that is horse shit. Do not fall for that. This entire crowed was rooting for $100K Bitcoin in January 2022.

The far more, if not the most, important things to watch right now is the macroeconomy covering federal policies, employment, interest rates, inflation and GDP. These indicators move the market, not the gut feel based on 2013 cycle by the random YouTube/ Twitter crypto creeps.

Governments are under tremendous pressure to bring down inflation and cost of living and they wouldn't mind further tightening the capital flow even at the risk of full blown deep recession. Remember, politicians can win election in a shitty stock market but CAN NOT win election if the common citizen can't afford grocery, gas and essential goods.

There is no "V" shape recovery waiting here, it's going to be long drawn journey unfortunately - simple reason - no $8T stimulus to uplift the country through pandemic. So, here is what I suggest watching closely to gauge the market in the coming months:

1) Inflation rates/ Gas prices

2) Employment market - job creations, hiring and turnover rates

3) Federal policies on interest rate

4) Geopolitical escalations (Eastern Europe, Asia)

5) Economic output (GDP)

All the best!

submitted by /u/Sharp_Tank05


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