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The State of the Web3 User and Developer Experience in four leading Web3 platforms: Ethereum, Solana, Aptos, and Radix. - A report by CryptoEQ

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The report compares the UX and DX across these 4 platforms by focusing on how tokens, accounts, smart contracts, and transactions within the respective virtual machines. Radix is the most secure followed by Aptos. Eth and Solana have bigger dev community.

User Experience (UX)

Ethereum and Solana face UX challenges like complex token behaviors, blind signing transactions, and wallet security risks. Aptos and Radix introduce improvements like predictable token standards and human-readable transactions.

Tokens, Accounts & NFTs

Assets on Ethereum and Solana are based on token smart contracts, which can bring uncertainty, and smart contract risk, token's behavior is opaque. Assets on Aptos and Radix are “objects”, while on Radix these are native to the platform, offering greater transparency and security, malicious tokens are impossible.


Transactions on Ethereum and Solana are “blind signed”, which results in frequent users losing funds to wallet drains or other scams. Radix's Transaction Manifest enables human-readable transactions, multiple atomic smart contract calls and user-set guarantees, improving composability and security.

Developer Experience (DX)

Aptos' Move language and Radix's Scrypto offer asset-oriented programming models, native features, and better security to simplify development compared to Solidity on Ethereum plus Radix's native asset-oriented tooling accelerates secure dApp development. Eth and Solana, on the other hand, have a more robust developer community and thus more libraries

Tokens, NFTs, and Accounts

SummaryA token-holding account is a line item in a smart contract. The behaviors of the token are governed by the smart contract developer.A token-holding account is a line item in a smart contract created by a developer e.g. SPL.A token-holding account is a line item in a smart contract object created by a developerA token-holding account is a container that holds tokens inside it, as if it were a physical object. The behaviors of the token are governed by the virtual machine.
Token BehaviourThe behavior of each token is unpredictable.The same as ETHTokens are less unpredictableTokens follow predictable behaviors
Malicious tokensTokens with hidden malicious behavior that can drain a user’s account are commonplace, and users have to know to avoid interacting with these tokens.The same as ETHAptos Fungible Asset Standard and pre-signature transparency removes tokens as smart contract code, making malicious tokens less prevalentMalicious tokens are impossible, because no one can modify its behaviors of minting/burning/transferring as its completely baked in to the engine. These are configurations the developers set and people can see on ledger.
Understanding a TokenA user would have to read the underlying smart contract code to know what behaviors a token is capable of, and if it was secure.The same as ETHVaries depending on wallet.The wallet instantly displays all the possible behaviors of a token.
Import TokenWallets do not know what tokens a user holds. Users have to manually “import tokens” into their wallet.The same as ETHWallets instantly know what tokens a user holds. There is no need to “import tokens”.The same as Aptos
CustodyUsers never actually custody a token in their account, as their account is a line item in a developer’s smart contract (that the developer may control).The same as ETHUsers custody the token/object directly.Users custody tokens inside their account, as if it was a physical object in a container.
Seed PhrasesAccess to an account is controlled by a single seed phrase.The same as ETHConsists of key pairs but can be rotated and recovered unlike traditional BTC or ETH wallets.Access to an account is controlled by an arbitrary combination of signing factors that can be rotated. (While live on the ledger, not yet enabled in wallet)
Send ApprovalsUsers are required to provide approval to smart contracts to spend their tokens in other smart contracts.The same as ETHSpend approvals are not needed, as tokens are represented as objects.The same as Aptos


SummaryA transaction is a signed hash requesting a single smart contract to execute an instructionThe same as ETHOn-chain state is organized into resources and modules. These are then stored within the individual accounts. Transactions are state changes to these elements.A transaction is a signed manifest of human-readable instructions defining asset movements and method calls between smart contracts/accounts.
Blind SigningTransactions are “blind signed” without a user knowing what a transaction will doThe same as ETHTransactions are blind signed although there are some additional protective measures in place over and above Ethereum and Solana.Transactions are expressed in human-readable language.
Contract CallsA transaction can only call one smart contract at once. Complex transactions require a custom smart contract to be deployed to orchestrate a series of downstream calls for the transactionThe same as ETHA single transaction can call a single module or can be a complex transaction called by multiple modules.A transaction can call multiple smart contracts all at once. No custom smart contracts need to be deployed to execute complex transactions.
GuaranteesUsers can’t set network-guaranteed conditions that a transaction must achieve.The same as ETHUsers can set protective measures to ensure only certain outcomes are possible.Users can set network-guaranteed transaction outcomes, e.g. this swap must return 100 tokens, otherwise the transaction is aborted.
Delegated Transaction FeesTransaction fees must be paid by the account signing the transactionThe same as ETHTransaction fees can be paid by other accounts.Any account can pay a transaction fee.

Wallets & Login

Wallets and UIA multitude of mobile/desktop wallets exist. Users can add their accounts to a combination of browser-based or mobile wallets.The same as ETHA handful of wallet options, including third-party development.A handful of wallet options, including the mobile-first Radix Wallet that can connect to desktop when needed
Identity and LoginUsers log in to Web3 with an account that can hold tokens. Secured by a seed phrase.The same as ETHThe same as ETHUsers log in to Web3 with a dedicated smart contract that represents their persona. Secured by multifactor authentication and recovery. (While live on the ledger, not yet enabled in wallet)

Language Adoption & Usability

How are tokens created?Copy + paste of ERC20 (or equivalent code)Copy + paste of SPL token standard (or equivalent code)Copy + paste of the Aptos Coin Standard (or equivalent code)Function or API call to platform, with parameters, to create a token - as tokens on Radix are native
Does the platform enforce asset standardization and guarantee how tokens and NFTs behave, reducing the chances for hacks and exploits?NoNoYesYes - as tokens on Radix are native
Do transactions include guardrails to ensure accounting is correct e.g.tokens don’t get lost?No - the developer is responsible for defining how the accounting for a token is doneNoYes - someYes - the execution environment Radix Engine natively handles accounting
Can you call multiple smart contracts with a single atomic transaction?No - you would have to deploy a specific smart contract which would then call other smart contractsNo - the same as EthNo - the same as EthYes - Transaction Manifest can call multiple smart contracts in one atomic transaction.
Is re-entrancy possible?YesYesNoNo
Is there an on-chain way to reuse common logic?NoYes - Solana ProgramsYes- reusable ModulesYes - Radix Blueprints
Are there native features to easily allow for the creation of complex authorization and access systems?NoNoNoYes - Badges and native role based access control
How large is the developer ecosystem?HugeLargeMediumMedium
Third party code repositoriesPlentifulMediumLimitedLimited
submitted by /u/wallynext


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