모든 인간지표

There Is Now 18,988,848 ETH Staked Which Is 15.52% Of The Eligible Tokens That Are Being Staked! Approaching The Previous Unstaking Threshold of 15.65%.

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Hi everyone,

The amount of staked Ethereum keeps increasing, which is a very good sign. We're even nearing an ATH from the eligible tokens that can be staked (in %).

To start with I take the data from 2 weeks ago (from my previous post):


On the 12th April the total of staked ETH was around 19,449,228 ETH, which is 15,65% of the eligible tokens that are being staked. When the unstaking began it dropped to around 18,180,772 ETH (14.86% of the eligible tokens that are being staked) on the 9th of May. Since then it slowly started to increase again and this results in 18,376,431 ETH being staked which is 15% of the eligible tokens.

Now two weeks later, the graph looks like this:


Today there is 18,988,848 ETH staked, which is 15.52% of the eligible tokens. That's almost the same as before the unstaking happened (15.65%). And it's still rising!

There is also a rise in validators. This can be seen in the following graphs:

  • The amount of validators from two weeks ago


  • The amount of validators right now


Two weeks ago there were 567,187 validators and now there are 588,619 validators. That is an increase of 3.7%!

The annualized 30-days weighted protocol generated from transaction fees (in USD) is also rising a lot. This can be seen in the following graph:


The annualized 30-days weighted protocol generated from transaction fees is now at $5.21B!

It's nice to see that Ethereum is keeping the staking momentum. We might also see a new ATH of total staked ETH very soon! Together with the large amount of Ethereum that is burned daily, it will most likely have a good future.

Thanks for reading!



  1. https://www.stakingrewards.com/earn/ethereum-2-0/metrics/
submitted by /u/ChemicalGreek


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