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We need RuneScape type games, but with Crypto abstracted in where it’s beneficial or doesn’t take away from the game!

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I was just thinking about how I started out playing Runscape nearly 15 years ago in elementary school, and I played enough to where if the things I owned were NFT’s I probably wouldn’t have had to work a day in my life!

Now it’s been years since I’ve played, but I still want that type of game format, but I’m old enough now that if I’m gonna game, I want to earn real world value. Are there any games like this that anyone knows of or anything like this being built? I feel like it would be a beast of a game, and I want it to be actually P2E, rather than pay to play like all other blockchain games that say they are P2E. This gave me some ideas on how I’d want to structure a Runscape type of blockchain game.

I don’t want to buy an NFT in a marketplace, to participate. I want to grind the game and earn real world value through NFT’s that I earn from my time spent/skill level. Not by buying an NFT to even play the game, and then saying I’m playing to earn by earning an inflated away currency.

The game should be free to play, and only include transactions, when I claim my reward for a task, quest or something of that sort. Simply put, current blockchain games don’t abstract the blockchain out enough. We need games that include minimal blockchain, in my opinion.

NFT’s should be the earnable item, not a token or at least not solely a token. Also, a token or multiple can exist, but they should serve a purpose, and not be a catch all token of money to be inflated away as well as the security token and governance token. The currency of blockchain games are the worst part of a game usually, because it’s never well thought out or is a catch all, doom to never actually serve a purpose, and therefore ends up losing a lot of value.

If this type of game exists or being built with a , please give me some details so I can check the project out!

EDIT: what’s in it for the game Dev’s? Royalties on NFT trades, just like all other NFT devs are incentivized with. They could release special release NFTs, that people can pay for if they’d like. They could monetize their own portion of the map, where you need something special, to play in “their area”, which is essentially pay to play in their area. I mentioned a token in the post, they could absolutely create a token, or some other form of value added that can be derived to them, but the point is, the entire game should not only derive value to them. They should find innovative ways to take some value in micro transactions or other ways that add some value, but don’t take away from the usability.

submitted by /u/Jcook_14


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