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What’s a popular sentiment here that you completely disagree with.

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We’ve all heard unpopular opinions that are actually popular.

So what’s a popular opinion that’s an unpopular opinion for you?

I’ll go first.

Crypto will replace cash / banks.

Maybe one day, but not in your lifetime.

Do you really think that cash will be gone? How many people in 3rd world countries do you think have access to internet? Until internet is free everywhere getting rid of cash is literally impossible.

For our whole history we’ve always had some sort physical currency, gold, cash etc.

How do you expect us as humans to make that transition in less than 70-80 years?

Banks are not going anywhere. They’ll just evolve. As long has banks have power today, they’ll have power tomorrow but maybe they won’t have power 100 years from now. Who knows? But like I said change takes time.

Disclaimer: These are just opinions just like the comments. Don’t take them too seriously!

submitted by /u/SoonMoonn


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