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Where can I find good anti-crypto justifications?

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This is not a rhetorical question.

I have over 10% of my net worth in crypto, and most of that is in Bitcoin. I see a lot of YouTube videos explaining good reasons why the next 12-18 months are likely to be huge. When I look into the most interesting things they're talking about it all makes sense and I believe they are right. This has now become my own opinion based on my own research as well.

I rarely see people talking about why it's all going to zero (or back to the lows of 2022), and when I do see people coming out against crypto it's usually just some old boomer who doesn't know what they're talking about and makes nothing resembling a valid point.

Does anyone know any decent YouTubers, articles, or studies where solid arguments are backed up by charts and graphs which I can then look into? Especially if someone who has been successful is actively shorting crypto. I'm not talking about dickheads like Peter Schiff going on about how gold is better when it has underperformed by a long way unless you cherry pick the few dates that work in golds favour, or old videos where Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet refer to it as rat poison without showing any in depth understanding of the subject. I have a lot of respect for Buffet and the late Munger, but it's clearly not within their 'circle of competence'.

The reason I am posting is I feel this downturn in the markets is a temporary overreaction and overcorrection so I am strongly considering freeing up some more cash to put in if it drops below a certain level, but I want to make sure there are not any good counter arguments that I am missing which would make me more inclined to just hold my current position rather than adding to it.

submitted by /u/RandomA55h013


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