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Where is the market heading? I’m buying the future!

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Think about where the market is heading in the short term now- mass institutional adoption and market regulation. These are things crypto has only been able to dream of so far, but now, and very soon, they will become the cornerstones of being successful in this market.

Most blockchains can’t handle either of these key upcoming market characteristics.

For institutions to adopt and use blockchains, the price per transaction needs to be low, the transactions per second needs to be high and the transaction needs to be instantly final. The institution needs to be sure that the transaction is secure and the chain needs to be reliable- no downtime.

The ONLY chain that offers all of these points is Algorand.

Imagine you are a bank completing millions of transactions between accounts each day. You can’t use ETH- too slow and expensive. If you use a L2 they’re also currently too slow and expensive and you also need to trust an additional third party! (Crap)

If you use Cardano or XRP they’re slow and risk falling over once network volume increases. If you use SOL or HBAR- they both have histories of breaking down (particularly SOL which has an ungodly amount of failed transactions) so you might not be able to do any transactions at all when they’re out of action and none of these chains give you instant finality with no forking. So you could have transactions being rolled back after they’ve shown as complete! Imagine that in a bank!

Regulation wise, all of these projects have left themselves open to SEC action too! All with direct sales into the US market. ALGO didn’t!

Algorand based themselves in Singapore and did KYC to specifically rule out the possibility of selling direct into the US market. Sure Gensler has mentioned them in a case against someone else but he knows he can’t sue directly as they’re not based in his jurisdiction.

So Algorand ticks all boxes when it comes to regulation and mass adoption by institutions.

Couple that with the planned upcoming changes- incentivised node operation, so you will in effect be able to mine ALGO like you can with bitcoin, and the move to the Python programming language. The most used programming language in the world by a very long way! High school kids will be able to program on Algo! With a lot of assistance from Algo kit 2.0 and AI. Huge moves coming in Q1 this year! Game changing for the entire crypto space.

Silvio Micali is and always will be the OG of the crypto industry.

Look at the price in comparison to these other chains and ask yourself which market cap gains a zero first

submitted by /u/Joeyfishfingers


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