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Who wants to be a millionaire! You?

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In order to be very successful in Crypto…I’m talking putting €1k in a coin and becoming a millionaire. You have to be first, not hear from anyone else or on here or 4chan etc.

Most shitcoins are a pyramid scheme. Only the very top or those who are friends with the guy at the top who put in money get the real cash.

Once it’s shilling on here for example, you are too late…they are planning their exit and if it starts to gain traction they will hodl off on selling. This is where they start to make money as they will be dumping strategically to not cause a crash.

Meanwhile you, and everyone else are saying ‘when Lambo’ and ‘to the moon’ and rather than selling for a little profit, you see the potential for zeros! You develop Hopium and FOMO kicks in and you start stacking.

Meanwhile these guys are providing liquidity as you are buying their coins making them a lot of money.

The top guys know they have a limited time to cash out and are preparing their exit strategy. You have no clue about this…you are still shilling, you’re probably up around 20% but you aren’t going to sell as you are waiting on it to moon.

They pull the rug…make a cool million or two for themselves. You know it’s being rugged, as the price suddenly drops…it’s just a dip…before the big green candle, you start shilling it like a mad man.

You could still walk away with %10 profit…but that’s not enough…diamond hands, you ain’t no paper hands loser like everyone says…peer pressure is stopping you and it’s now got you in to a cult of hodling those bags, even if it zeros…but that won’t happen because you are now a part of a community.

You have now become a great member of the community hodling 1bn of those coins, you have new joiners to the group who admire you for hodling 1bn, calling you a whale and you feel their admiration as when you post or comment in the community page, they reply and agree with what you say.

Lifes very good, you know it’s dead, you know you could sell and get a small amount of your investment back but shame and adulation stops you.

Here’s to the kings of crypto who hodl coins that would have made them a millionaire if they got in at the beginning.

Stay strong king, you will hit the moon…maybe…probably not…you won’t…ever

submitted by /u/Eldeanio100


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