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Why will no reporter, twitter SBF scandal pusher tell the truth that SBF was in a fraud exposed the summer of 2017 by a watchdog when he was working in a small group of "effective altruists" that stole millions in donations meant to be directed to animal

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I tweeted this to a journalist... only to find out the journalist deleted his tweet to hide mine from getting any exposure in December. So lets try this again in February and see if mods allow the truth to be discussed with plenty of documented evidence from primary sources.

The Beginning of My Attempt to Reveal Truth To Crypto Investors

The December 30, 2022 Tweet when I first decided to try and put word out after not getting one email back from any publication covering SBF in the media:

This never got any attention, when I dropped this bombshell to SBF's favorite influencer and reporter in public sight... So I am gonna share a story of the fraud SBF may have seeded his Alameda Research operation with that a whistleblower uncovered back in summer 2017 - months before the infamous wunderkid decided to get into crypto.

\"(ACE) has evaluated only a tiny fraction of orgs after four years, and nearly $700,000 in grants and donations received between 2013-2015... ... it's possible, and WE BELIEVE PROBABLE, that ACE was designed from the start to be a front group to funnel donations only to pre-selected organizations (!!!)

There is a second page and other letters written in the spring and summer of 2017 by the whistleblower that exposes Sam's EA leader of "ACE" Animal Charity Evaluators Jon Bockman, where SBF was grifting as a part of this fake front that ended up stealing over $1,000,000 as Bockman suspected by the last letter - all of these letters I found quite easily and I implore you to search around as I don't want to take forever on this matter. But each has Sam Bankman-Friend in the "To" grouped in with the ringleader Effective Altruist/thief/fraudster Jon Bockman that Mr. Hindi exposed in many ways as a complete fraud. Later letters by Mr. Hindu to "ACE" group exposed that the money "ACE" took would be given to fake animal rights activist and charitable groups they claimed their expert evaluators found to be the best place to award the donations to "pre-selected organization" which were always headed by associates connected to the leader of the ACE scam, Jon Bockman.

Oddly enough, these latter letters by Mr. Hindi to "ACE" are uploaded onto Bockman's website for his "expert evaluation service to donate to only the best animal charities (sound familiar - like SBF's mom and her Stanford lab with the 'effective altruism' software that claims to give one the most bang for their buck in picking the best charitable groups to donate to?)....

The tweet source of this letter is linked below:


The letter begins with a recap of the same numbers ACE collected from 2013-2015 in the first letter. Sam Bankman-Fried is listed right there as part of this scam's team. How did no one see this once - especially with Silicon Valley's MOST REKNOWN Venture Capitalists claiming to have done their homework on SBF? I could find this in December in a matter of minutes. Every SBF (influencer) \"reporter\" denied to comment or acknowledge any of this. I worry Reddit mods will delete this too. But this is bonafide crypto news and people deserve to know - it's always retail that these folks rob and we deserve to discuss such things.

SBF (full name and email in his public records verified by his listed and active cell phone number - see last paragraph) is there with all of the people Mr. Hindi was uncovering in the scheme by ACE that fraudulently stole millions pretending to be Effective Altruist animal charity involved people who claimed they were expert evaluators to help donors get their money to the best animal charities. These letters Hindi and watchdogs wrote directly to the ACE team and exposed them on their fraud in the summer of 2017 just eventually stopped. Maybe Hindi got tired of asking the people to flat out stop - or maybe they did stop as SBF magically got an unrealistic $25 million in funds off his brand new interest in cryptocurrency trading.

That is what legend has led us to believe - it's been about 3.5 years since we've been indoctrinated with the origin of the crypto SBF. Who first pushed that on the mass media though? It was a lawyer with a controversial or at least coincidental past with a knack for introducing the public to a sociopathic fraud he presented as a savior of the world. Well a lawyer no longer practicing that decided they'd prefer to write cover stories and work as a Fortune Magazine editor-at-large. Yes this ex-lawyer had lured me to first read about SBF in a summer 2019 mini-novela that read like a tall tale on Yahoo Finance - detailing the unbelievable (literally) beginnings and success of SBF in his cryptocurrency run from one hard to believe arbitrage payday (as in I never believed it occurred). The writer boasts that his August 12, 2019 profile on SBFis the first intro and most 'in-depth profile' of this out of nowhere crypto billionairenamed Sam Bankman-Fried.

Yes, the chosen one to be the profiler of SBF to introduce us to his majesty's riseand yet another lawyer in the circle of SBF pushers was a lawyer turned writer by the name of ROGER PARLOFF, the same guy who did the first profile - a COVER STORY at that - when he was with Fortune in 2014 on THE notorious Elizabeth Holmes. Before leaving Fortune a year later - Parloff gives a sobby "it feels like it was my fault for elevating Elizabeth Holmes to prominence"... sure did, but I doubt there was much remorse when he typed that little quip in his follow up article after Holmes was outed as one of the most sociopathic people to ever work in the medical field. Isn't it ironic that Roger Paloff, NY and DC lawyer turned writer was able to introduce Elizabeth Holmes to the world as a savant of medicine and came back in 2019 to introduce us to the story of SBF - the $25 Million Arbitrage trade from US to Japan that founded Alameda Research and began the 2017 start of SBF's crypto career? I wonder why he left out Sam's work over the summer of 2017 with an accused fraud that certainly stole millions of dollars posing to be a charity evaluator that gave money to charities of people all connected to the organization and SBF's boss covered in the letters I shared with you today?

Roger Parloff, \"Oops I Did It Again\" - if it was a song about profiling a sociopath first and making them famous. (June 2014 Cover Story Fortune)

When I tweeted this in a reply to a prominent reporter/influencer claiming to expose the story on SBF they deleted their tweet to hide this damning evidence that blows up SBF's past involvement in a multi-million dollar fraud posing as an E.A. animal charity \"evaluator\" group that the whistleblower points out -- doesn't evaluate any charities.

There are other whistleblowers who uncovered schemes and fraud in the area of animal charity scams that Mr. Hindi quoted and cited in this letter that pointed out the same things Hindi suspected about ACE being a fraud and the money going to fronts acting as charities hand-picked by ACE.

Some of my Dec 30, 2022 tweets as part of the thread the popular followed \"SBF truther\" deleted to cover up my exposing of this pre-Alameda Research founding fraud SBF was definitely responsible for as a small team that's sole purpose was to steal donor and grant money meant for animal charities when in fact, the letter in full exposes, there were no actual animal charities receiving any money - just fronts run by ACE's Bockman's friends who is suspected of having stolen all of this money he funneled to friends who agreed to pretend to be heads of his \"evaluated\" and expert chosen select animal charities.

Let's Wrap This All Up - It's Proven Enough (The Media Refuses to Write Anything About This)

SBF was a part of each letter Hindi addressed to ACE over the summer of 2017 to cease and desist what they were suspected of doing and to return the money they had stolen in millions under a fraudulent scheme that SBF very much was part of that entire summer before moving on to Alameda Research...

Remember the miraculous story that SBF outsmarted the world by buying his BTC in the US and selling in Japan for +1,000 USD a trade as if no one else possibly tried that before - which made his seed ($25 million or so) to start Alameda Research (the hedge fund he admitted he named research to deceive banks into giving him an account locally posing as a research firm?)...

Yes the myth of the amazing arbitrage that occurred supposedly just months after this previously covered up but ACTUAL REAL OCCURANCE that SBF's summer employer, Animal Charity Evaluators, alleged to have got away with stealing millions of donated money meant for animal charity?

Given Brett Harrison and SBF teamed up for FTX US in 2021 after previously working at "Jane Street Capital" you gotta question back even then if this is all one big fabricated lie protecting some puppet master pulling strings that we may never find out the identity of. That's worth a mention but out of scope and I want to wrap this all up.

I believe the money that SBF claims to have miraculously beat every US based trader in with such a silly excuse in Fall 2017 was money he got from this Effective Altruist scam stealing millions meant for animal charities.

The four page letter Mr. Hindi exposes ACE's nefarious actions in ends in a definitive and obviously plausible way if you read the letter as I did back in December:

Please understand that we consider this to be a very serious issue. ACE is, by your own accounts, persuading donors to spend millions of dollars on your Top Charities, which are pulled from a small, pre-selected batch of groups of which a number comprise members of your own initial advisory board.

We are, therefore, not talking about minor ethical violations, but rather very significant acts of potential fraud.

Go ahead and search around. You'll find more letters from Hindi to "ACE" and addressed to SBF throughout the summer 2017. Perhaps the funniest part was Sam's stupid personal email led to his public records and his cell phone number. I called it thinking it'd be disconnected - but nope - after 40 seconds there was the self-identified voicemail by "Sam Bankman-Fried" answering me. You may search for those I do not think I need to link them as I just told you how I found the public record. I decided to put it on OpenSea as a joke and also as a way to share with the entire crypto community that this guy is in fact the one emailed in the letter by whistleblower Hindi...

Listen for yourself - this too was given zero attention by about 20 different people that are covering everything they choose to cover on this case, but all of this concrete and unknown info to the general crypto investor and community has been silenced and ignored. I hope you all enjoyed this info coming to light. I hope mods do the right thing and don't do what Twitter and other forums have done deleting the truth about the biggest scam in modern financial history.

It's important to realize the scam began before Alameda even existed.

It just sucks we crypto enthusiasts have to suffer and wait through all the crap this person brought upon our community and projects devs bust their buts on when this guy was never a part of crypto to begin with. He was just an opportunist who sought money wherever he could steal it in retrospect.

submitted by /u/satoshi0x


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