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You Can’t Get Mad With The Dip If You Never Intend to Sell

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I’ve seen countless posts about dips today. Interestingly it is mostly not posts about people pondering whether they should sell their bags or not, but more about people who are “scared” with people paper handing.

And then there are people who are throwing shades, that everything that are happening now are FUDs, manipulation, etc.. What’s the point if all you do is just watching and celebrating numbers on your phone going up without ever pulling the trigger and take a single profit. Unrealized gains are not gains, just number in the screen.

If you are really in it for the long run and you have a strong investment thesis then things like this is just normal market movements. There factors affecting how the market move and just because it doesn’t feed your narrative (e.g. “Guh, MoNEy sUppLy gOinG up By 100%”), doesn’t mean it’s FUD.

Also FUD is if it is mostly contains misinformation, If it contains fact it is not FUD, just market response/reaction. If for example new covid forces lockdown (say the lockdown already happens) and market as a whole tanks, that’s not FUD, that’s just market reacting to the uncertainty (despite FUD contains uncertainty FUD’s nuance is if the uncertainty is due to misinformation).

Anyway this is not to advocate you to sell or anything. Please do as you wish, you are an adult, decide for yourself on what you want to do with your money.

submitted by /u/CrowdGoesWildWoooo


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