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You should know that Crypto.com have their own free Crypto Tax Calculator!

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For those that don't know, there are services out there that offer to calculate the Crypto taxes that you owe. This is great because the end of the year is coming and people are likely to be figuring out their tax situation for the incoming tax season next year. Assuming of course you’re not trying to avoid paying taxes and get the Tax Man knocking on your door.

In terms of Crypto Tax Software out there. Koinly (https://koinly.io/) appears to be the biggest site offering Crypto Tax services. And there are plenty of others out there like Crypto Tax Calculator among others. However, using those services isn't free and if you have thousands of transactions like myself, the fees keep piling on and on with something like Koinly.

The same issue exists with Crypto Tax Calculator (https://cryptotaxcalculator.io/). On the surface, their site looks great and they offer similar pricing models as Koinly but once again there's a limit on the amount of transactions.

All these sites mentioned have a tier paid system depending on how many transactions you've completed. If you max out those tiers, you end up paying more per a certain amount of extra transactions you've done. Which is punishing you for having interacted with too many transactions on the blockchains.

After realizing this and being an avid Crypto.com user I found out that not only has the exchange blown up this year but they also offer a variety of services that aren’t just exchange-related.

They truly are a company with an unlimited budget it seems. Not just in marketing. Interestingly enough, Crypto.com has done so much advertising this year for their exchange yet they've never mentioned this piece of software they offer for free. Or the fact that their online exchange is free to use (not yet for Americans).

Crypto.com have their own free tax calculator: https://tax.crypto.com/

It's available for people in the United Kingdom, Australia, the US, and Canada. Although Crypto.com the exchange and App are available in a variety of regions, the Tax calculator only really works for the regions listed above. You’ll have to find a replacement calculator if you’re living outside of those regions or just go through your transactions manually through a spreadsheet (which is basically what these calculators are doing).

The best part is that it's completely free and there are no limits to transactions!

Might as well take advantage of it this tax season and give it a try. Worst comes to worst, if it can't read certain transactions properly you might have to manually enter them. Do note all these pieces of tax software sometimes have trouble calculating costs for Staking and Defi. In that case, you'll also have to manually enter data yourself.

Having used Koinly in the past I always found it annoying how there simply wasn’t an unlimited transactions option. It seems like Crypto.com’s tax App is fixing that problem with the added benefit of costing the user nothing.


submitted by /u/GiftsAwait


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