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The ultrarich made their fortune by destroying the planet, but they're suddenly concerned about climate change when it comes to crypto?

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We always knew that game was rigged, but now they are laughing at us straight to our faces.

Every single billionnaire, ultrarich and big institution have made their fortunes by destroying the planet and pillaging it's ressources, often without paying their dues to the very population they claim to serve. Banks invest your deposits into mining companies that don't care about their social impact, pensions funds are buying oil fields, hedge funds is speculating on basic commodities like rice, flour and even water...

But now that we are trying to fight back and claim a piece of the pie, everyone is suddenly concerned about carbon footprint! Just a few days ago, Hillary Clinton, whose personnal fortune is estimated to be over 110 millions USD, claimed crypto is bad for the planet. You know what else is bad for the planet, Hillary? Private jets and McMansions like yours.

It's not even just the rich anymore. Some friends of mine have two SUVs in front of their houses and travel twice a year (when we're not in the middle of a pandemic), and they have the audacity to lecture me about the evils of crypto. My personnal carbon footprint is 20% their footprint, but they feel superior because the media told them crypto was all a scam.

Sorry for the rant, but I had to get it out my system.

Crypto isn't a green investment (yet), but this kind of FUD has to stop.

submitted by /u/busterrulezzz


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